Lilith is one of the divinities representing the dark side of feminine, seductive and destructive side. In Genesis, Lilith was the first woman and the first Adam' s wife, rebelled against his companion during the sexual act, leaves the earthly paradise refuge in the Red Sea.
Statua realizzata a mano con argille sintetiche con inserti preziosi: le punte delle ali sono in madreperla; nei polsi, nelle caviglie e sulla cintura vi sono granati taglio rettangolare; i capelli sono in seta tussah.
Statue handmade with synthetic clays with precious inserts: the tips of the wings are mother of pearl, wrists, ankles and waist, there are rectangular cut garnet, the hair is tussah silk.
Puoi trovare la statua di Lilith su / You can find the sculpture of Lilith on ETSY
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